The Every Stay Gives Back partnership between Kind Traveler and the Oregon Coast Visitors Association (OCVA) focuses on promoting regenerative tourism practices that prioritize positive environmental impacts. Travelers support initiatives that restore and enhance the natural ecosystems of the Oregon Coast through an opt-out contribution implemented by partner hotels. By contributing to local environmental causes, such as habitat restoration and conservation efforts, this collaboration ensures that tourism plays a vital role in the ecological resilience of the region, helping to protect its natural beauty for future generations.



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Every Stay Gives Back is a coastwide project involving hotels and nonprofit partners in each of the Oregon coast’s three regions. Hotels enrolled within the program directly support environmental nonprofits along the coast by donating up to $2 per room stay.

Key Partners

This program is made possible through a partnership with Kind Traveler. At this time the following hotels are supporting the following nonprofits:

  • Pacific City Inn – Nestucca, Sandlake and Neskowin Watershed Council
  • Headlands Lodge – Wildlife Center of the North Coast
  • Ocean Inn – North Coast Land Conservancy
  • Agate Beach Motel – Oregon Coast Aquarium
  • Wildflower Inn – Elakha Alliance
  • Driftwood Shores – Cape Perpetua Collaborative
  • Pacific View Lodging – Friends of Otter Rock

Supporting DMOs: Tillamook Coast Visitors Association, Explore Lincoln City, Travel Southern Oregon Coast, Oregon’s Adventure Coast, Travel Lane County.

Want to get involved?

If you are interested in joining this program as a hotel or nonprofit recipient, or are curious to learn more about this partnership, please email Finn Johnson or Jessica Blotter.

How it all comes together

See how this project aligns with the Glasgow Declaration – a global commitment by tourism stakeholders to address climate change – and its key principles.

  • Recipient nonprofits were vetted through our Mitigation, Adaptation and Resiliency Climate Standards and Criteria, ensuring that funds from hotels are going to high-quality environmental restoration projects.
  • Impacts are measured in $10 increments, allowing for monthly reporting around the positive impact of funds received through this program.
  • Kind Traveler verifies donation receipts, ensuring that Every Stay really does Give Back.

In order to be eligible as recipients for the program, nonprofits were required to demonstrate that their work directly contributed to decarbonization or biodiversity projects.

In order to be eligible as recipients for the program, nonprofits were required to demonstrate that their work directly contributed to decarbonization or biodiversity projects.

This project has leaned on a tremendous amount of collaboration between Kind Traveler, OCVA, Hotels, Environmental Nonprofits and local DMOs along the Oregon Coast.

  • This project is financed through RCTP funding and annual partner fees (often covered through partnership with local DMOs).
  • The goal of this project is to leverage RCTP funding to create impactful and stable funding streams for environmental nonprofits on the coast.

All nonprofit recipients must have demonstrated a commitment to empowering people through structuring projects to support equity, uplifting marginalized voices, and providing transparent feedback systems to partners.