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2024 OCVA Strategic Investment Fund
Apply to Bring Mobi-mats to Your Oregon Coast Community
OCVA has created an annual Strategic Investment Fund (SIF) to rapidly and surgically respond to coastal tourism needs and priorities. OCVA has committed to the Glasgow Declaration and has released a 10-year Mitigation, Adaptation and Resiliency Plan.
For the 2024 cycle, funds will be focused on Travelabilty on the Oregon Coast through the implementation of Mobi-mats, which are temporary weather-proof pathways designed to make uneven terrain accessible to people with mobility challenges. Bringing these mats to trails, beaches, or events opens up access and inclusivity to everyone. Learn more about how to apply here!
External Grant Opportunities
The Oregon Coast Visitors Association has compiled these opportunities from our partners into a selective list of funding that aligns with our work in the tourism sector. We do not manage these opportunities and highly encourage you to contact the organizations directly with any questions. If you know information about a grant opportunity that should be listed here, please contact industry@thepeoplescoast.com.
Travel Oregon Competitive Grants
Ten percent of Travel Oregon’s budget is dedicated to a competitive grants program to support eligible applicants for projects that contribute to the development and improvement of local economies and communities throughout Oregon by means of the enhancement, expansion and promotion of the visitor industry.
Projects should support Travel Oregon’s vision of ‘an Oregon that is a welcoming destination where tourism drives economic prosperity, benefits the natural environment and celebrates rich, diverse cultures.’
Tillamook Coast Marketing and Facilities Grants
Tillamook Coast Visitors Association
Tourism-related facilities grants and Tourism marketing grants funded by TCVA. Applications open October 1-December 1 2024.
The Recreational Trails Program (RTP)
Grant funds projects with RTP funds to develop, improve, or expand motorized and non-motorized trails and their facilities.
Community Grants
Nonprofit and community leaders throughout Oregon can apply for new flexible grants that provide important operational support. The funding is flexible, allowing organizations to direct it to where it is needed most.
Regional Food System Partnerships
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) works to improve domestic and international opportunities for U.S. growers and producers, through many program ears including regional food systems and partnerships.
JAMF Community Grants
The Judith Ann Mogan Foundation
Funding for community development projects in Coastal Douglas, Coos, or Curry Counties.
Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program
Funds projects that connect active transportation networks, accelerating plans to create safe walking and biking routes to everyday destinations, and to fill gaps between communities.
Resilience Hubs and Networks Grant
Oregon Department of Human Services
Funding supports improvements to places where people come together and find resources during an emergency.
Innovative Mobility Program
Aims to improve historically underserved communities’ access to public and active transportation. Program goals also include reducing the number of trips Oregonians make by car and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Main Street America T-Mobile Hometown Grant Program
Community Heart & Soul Seed Grant
Seed funds to establish the CHS community engagement model in your district
Arts and Culture Grant
New grant funding to help organizations foster creative expression and enrich local culture in their communities.
Community Facilities Direct Loan & Grant Program
This program provides affordable funding to develop essential community facilities in rural areas. An essential community facility is defined as a facility that provides an essential service to the local community for the orderly development of the community in a primarily rural area, and does not include private, commercial or business undertakings.
Inclusive Micro Grant
Funding opportunity for small and rural grassroots organizations that aim to create a more inclusive and welcoming outdoor recreation environment.
Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Technical Assistance
Assists communities and public land managers in evolving climate resiliency strategies, conservation areas, and creating recreation opportunities.
RAISE Grants
U.S. Department of Transportation
Transportation projects nationwide with focus on cycling and trails.
Oregon Community Paths Program
Oregon Department of Transportation
Funding aimed at helping communities create and maintain connections through multiuse paths.
Coquille Tribe Community Fund
Awards up to $500,000 for health, arts and culture, education, environmental, public safety, and historic preservation projects. Applications are open in the fall of each year.
Community Impact Grants
United Way of Southwestern Oregon
Multiple community grant opportunities for Coos and Curry County
Annual Tourism Grant Program
Supports and coordinates event development to ensure that Seaside can meet or exceed visitor expectations as a tourism destination.
Rural Energy for America Program
The Rural Energy for America Program offers grants for up to 40% and loan guarantees up to 75% of total project cost for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. Varying deadlines.
Local Government Grant
The Local Government Grant Program (LGGP) is a voter approved, State lottery funded grant program administered by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. Typically, the program awards over $5 million annually to qualified projects.
Grants for Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities Work
The Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD)
The Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities program aims to reduce climate pollution, provide more transportation and housing choices, and promote more equitable land use planning outcomes.
Oregon Community Foundation’s Community Grants Program
Provides funding to organizations that are small and rural, culturally specific or culturally responsive.
Gold Beach Community Fund
Financial support for projects, activities and services with an aim of enhancing Central Curry County for citizens and visitors.
Local Government Grant Program
Oregon Parks & Recreation Department
The Local Government Grant Program (LGGP) is a voter approved, State lottery funded grant program administered by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. Typically, the program awards over $5 million annually to qualified projects.
Boating Facility and Waterway Access Grant
Boating Facility and Waterway Access Grant Application
Arts Build Communities Grants
The Arts Build Communities program provides matching support to arts and other community-based organizations for projects that address a local community problem, issue or need through an arts-based solution.
Oregon Heritage Grants (multiple opportunities)
Oregon Parks and Recreation Department
See website for latest information
Recreation Grants (multiple opportunities)
Oregon Parks and Recreation Department
See website for latest information
Siletz Tribal Charitable Contribution Fund
The Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians of Oregon
Charitable grants are awarded to charitable organizations and local governments within the Siletz Tribe’s service area (Lincoln, Tillamook, Linn, Lane, Benton, Polk, Yamhill, Marion, Multnomah, Washington, and Clackamas counties) and to Native American organizations or activities located anywhere in the United States for the following purposes: education, health, public safety, gambling addiction, prevention, drug and alcohol treatment, housing, the arts, the environment and natural resource preservation, cultural activities, historic preservation, and other charitable purposes.
Small Grants and Open Call for Applications
Grants for projects that support rural communities in Oregon. The foundation’s grant-making focuses on four areas Arts and culture, Environmental stewardship, education and social services. -
Small Grants and Open Call for Applications
Wiles/Ayers Family Charitable Fund
Grants from $10K to $20K to Oregon coast nonprofits that focus on environmental issues. Smaller or larger grants may be considered. Application close: contingent on the availability of funds
Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance
Rolling Applications
Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative
Practical support for efforts that promote safe, responsible use of OHVs, educate the public on proper recreational land use and wildlife conservation practices, and protect appropriate and sustainable access to public lands. Rolling Applications, quarterly.