The Oregon Coast Visitors Association has put together a landscape-level view of the market opportunity for increased busing options to and along the coast. We’re pleased to share this North Coast Visitor Transportation: Business Feasibility Report with partners. This report is available to the general public; those interested in learning more may contact Finn Johnson, Coastal Tourism Resiliency Coordinator.

The report concludes that there is a market opportunity for a privately-operated bus service. Additionally, a private company would be advantaged through partnership with organizations on the coast with a vested interest in augmenting existing public-facing transportation options. This report is intended to outline existing demand, route possibilities, and market opportunity. These factors indicate that operating bus routes to the coast is not only feasible, but also financially viable.

To inspire travel, it is necessary to preserve the majesty of our region that is responsible for attracting millions of people every year to visit the Oregon Coast. We also must address challenges that make it difficult for both residents and visitors to come to and travel along the Coast. This includes investing in infrastructure and projects to help alleviate some of these pain points.

This report, as a landscape-level view of non-car, visitor-facing transportation opportunities on the North Coast, is directly tied to these goals. The results from our 2020 stakeholder survey demonstrate that resiliency planning and solutions are a top need from the people we serve. Current polling of visitors shows a similar trend. Collaboration is essential to help solve these identified issues.

To steward a sustainable coastal economy, we must provide actions and solutions that align with this goal. Mitigation, Adaptation, and Resiliency strategies greatly complement and promote sustainable economies. It is estimated that the climate solutions economy will be worth up to $26 trillion by 2030 and will expand and create many new jobs. By engaging in this work, we can bring this burgeoning economy to the Oregon Coast.

To learn more about why OCVA is engaging in this work, check out our Mitigation, Adaptation and Resiliency (MAR) Plan.

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