2020 Stakeholder Survey Review with OCVA from Visit The Oregon Coast on Vimeo.

It’s incredibly valuable to understand the Regional Cooperative Tourism Program, or RCTP, planning timeline. When a coastal partner is highly engaged with this timeline they are better able to effectively and efficiently participate in the planning and implementation stages of OCVA’s work. The Oregon Tourism Stakeholder Survey is always the kickoff of this timeline and takes place every other year. This video will be focusing on the survey results. There are a number of ways that local government, economic development, chambers and anyone with an interest in coastal feedback could look at the survey results. This data is public and available on our industry website so we certainly encourage anyone with an interest to use it.

OCVA reviews the results with three perspectives in mind: to see how our coastal communities are unified in their shared challenges and similar goals, to better understand the uniqueness of each subregion by analyzing where their feedback differs and to incorporate partner feedback with our different department investments. 

We encourage our tourism partners to continue engaging with us throughout the RCTP timeline because receiving thoughtful feedback on the impacts of our investments provides valuable insight into our planning into the future. In addition to this video, please checkout the 2020 stakeholder results on our industry website. You can also find the results of our 2018 stakeholder surveys which still provide quality data on tactical strategies for the Oregon Coast. 

Register here for our Regional Stakeholder Engagement Session on March 30th, 3:30 – 5:00pm.