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South Coast
Cross Guide Service
Coos Bay, OR
(541) 217-4105
Email us (aacross19[at]hotmail[dot]com)
South Coast
Jack’s Guide Service
Jack Hanson has been professionally guiding for salmon, trout and steelhead throughout Northern California and Coastal Oregon for the over twenty years. He thoroughly enjoy his occupation and truly believes he’s one of the hardest working river guides in the...
Brookings, OR
Email us (jack[at]jacksguideservice[dot]com)
South Coast
Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest
Located in southwestern Oregon and extending into California, the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest ranges from the crest of the Cascades Range, west into the Siskiyou Mountains, and includes southern portions of the Coastal Range, extending nearly to the Pacific Ocean....
Brookings, OR541-618-2200