SOUTH COAST — The South Coast golf boom is expanding into Curry County.

Pacific Gales, a project developers hope will be the area’s next world-class course, was announced Tuesday, to be built along the ocean on a portion of a ranch located between Cape Blanco and Port Orford.

“This is an exceptional golf course,” said Troy Russell, a South Coast native and the general manager for the project. Ideally, the peer group for Pacific Gales will include the courses at Bandon Dunes Golf Resort as well as Kiawah Island in South Carolina, Pinehurst Resort in North Carolina and Pebble Beach in California, Russell said.

Holes along the northern stretch of the proposed Pacific Gales golf course will include views of the Cape Blanco lighthouse in the distance.

In addition to adding to the golf destinations in the area, the course should provide a boost for Port Orford and northern Curry County. Since it’s not a resort, it won’t include any lodging, so visitors likely will be staying in area hotels.

To read the entire story “Golf’s next ace” from The World, click here.

Story by John Gunther, The World.
Photo courtesy of Brian Oar, Fairways Photography.