The second of three Ride the Dirt Wave mountain bike events was a huge hit at Whiskey Run last weekend.

The successful event series is sponsored by OCVA and has several key goals:

  1. Introduce the trail systems to new visitors
  2. Connect the three trail systems so people visit each of them
  3. Gather clubs & trail builders to support each other and establish new relationships
  4. Encourage people from farther afield to visit and ride the trails

The opening event at Klootchy Creek, held June 3 and 4, had over 42 people participating in the Saturday group rides and 71 people registered to race on Sunday. Several hundred people attended one or both of the two days. The Klootchy Creek event drew visitors from three different states. Over 80 percent of attenders had never been to the trail system before.  

The Whiskey Run event drew participants from California, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia. The Saturday guided rides had 62 registered riders and the Sunday race had 90 registered participants. The event drew more than 350 people on Saturday and 250 on Sunday, with most people attending both days.

“Several people commented to me that they never would have visited all three trails had it not been for the Dirt Wave, and now they are excited they have and plan to return,” says Daniella Crowder, director of Oregon Rides & Events and organizer of Ride the Dirt Wave. 

“Riders from out of the area are going to all three systems to practice ahead of time for the races, while riders from the coast said they were grateful to the event for introducing them to the new trails in other parts of the Coast,” she says. 

“I’ve never seen so many riders out there before,” says Dave Lacey, South Coast Destination Development Coordinator for OCVA. “It was still uncrowded on the trails – Whiskey Run can handle lots of people in one day. Whiskey Run and Ride the Dirt Wave pleases all!”

The third and final event will be held in Newport on August 12 and 13 at Wilder Trails and Big Creek Trails. Saturday will include guided rides at Wilder Trails near the campus of Oregon Coast Community College, with plenty of options for beginner to advanced riders. Sunday’s Flow Duro Championship event will take place at the brand new Big Creek Trails. 

“There is something for everyone at the trails, with a family ride, beginner ride, intermediate, and advanced ride options,” says Daniella. “This is a great opportunity to come out and get to know the trails in a fun and supportive environment.”

The celebration of the trails will continue with food, music and beverages on site. Food cart fare and locally brewed beer will be available for purchase.

For more information and to register, visit