Heceta Lighthouse Bed and Breakfast
Nestle into a room at one of the last remaining Lightkeeper’s cottages on the Pacific Coast. A handcrafted wooden staircase leads to our well appointed rooms with cozy down duvets and unique antique furnishings.
Dream about a Lightkeeper’s life on your nighttime walk to the lighthouse. Away from the cares of the modern world, experience the vast starscape while you gaze at the beams from the sparkling first order Fresnel lens.
Be welcomed with the Wine and Cheese Social featuring Pacific Northwest wines and Oregon Artisan cheeses while learning the history of the Keeper’s Home and about local attractions.
Wake to a decadent Seven-Course Breakfast and taste the riches of Oregon and the Northwest.
Year round, the Heceta Head Lightstation offers a Bed and Breakfast for the romantic and adventurous traveler.