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North Coast
Evoke Winery Seaside
Few things in this world can’t be made better by a glass of wine and an honest conversation between friends. That’s Evoke Winery’s belief anyways. The Seaside Tasting Room is the perfect place to host your party or special event!...
270 South Columbia StreetSeaside, OR
Email us (care[at]evokewinery[dot]com)
North Coast
Kilchis Point Reserve (Trails)
Managed by the Tillamook County Pioneer Museum, this easy two-mile stroll out to Tillamook Bay features three sections of interpretive trails highlighting Flora and Fauna, Native American Heritage, and Pioneer Settlement. At the end of the trail is an exquisite...
Bay City, OREmail us (kilchispoint[at]wordpress[dot]com)
North Coast
Funland Entertainment Arcade
Enjoy pizza, big-screen TVs, arcade, aquarium and air hockey at Funland Entertainment Arcade.
201 Broadway StreetSeaside, OR