Coos History Museum’s February First Tuesday Talk: York of Lewis and Clark
The Coos History Museum will host a special edition February First Tuesday Talk program, “York of Lewis and Clark”, featuring Zachary Stocks, Executive Director of Oregon Black Pioneers, on February 4, 2025, from 6-7 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. providing time to explore the museum. Pre-registration is encouraged. Reservations can be made online here, by phone at 541-756-6320 or register in person at the museum’s front desk. Walk-ins are welcome for all Tuesday Talk programs.
York was an enslaved man who took part in the Lewis and Clark Expedition. But what is known about York besides his participation in this journey? Zachary Stocks, Executive Director of Oregon Black Pioneers, presents a detailed biography on York’s experiences during the Expedition, his life before and after, and his place within African American history.
Thanks to the generous sponsor of this special edition Tuesday Talk, South Coast Health Equity Coalition, this program is free for all to attend. The First Tuesday talk lectures are hosted in-person at the Coos History Museum, as well as on zoom.