Arbor Month Celebration – Plant a Tree with Tillamook Forest Center
Kick off Arbor Month by planting a tree and lend the forest a helping hand to ensure a healthy future. Many hazard trees were removed this past winter to control an overabundance of native Douglas-fir beetles and Fir Engraver beetles which had infested drought-stricken trees. Staff will guide participants to a tree planting site and provide native tree seedlings to be planted in areas where trees have been removed. Participants will receive a tree planting certificate.
Tree planting at 11:30 am & 1:30 pm
This event is rain or shine so please consider:
- Spending one half hour tree planting
- Wearing sturdy shoes – we will be planting on uneven ground
- Dressing in layers. Temperatures are usually 10 degrees cooler in the forest than surrounding areas
Family activities and special exhibits will also be available throughout the day. You will be able to:
- Create tree arts and crafts
- And more!
Step into the shoes of those who helped re-plant the Tillamook Burn and created the Tillamook State Forest! You are guaranteed to have a tree-mendous time!